
发表时间:2023/02/24 15:26:35  浏览次数:127  
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Dear Cindy,

      I'm glad you're interested in my hometown, and I'm proud to share with you its brief introduction.

      ①Zhengzhou, located in Central China, is the capital of Henan Province. ②It has distinct seasons, which bring us beautiful natural scenery and rich agricultural produce, such as Chinese dates, garlic and watermelons. As an ancient capital city, Zhengzhou has a long history, making it full of historical scenic spots, for example Shaolin Temple. It is well?known around the world for its kung fu. In recent years, my hometown has greatly developed, becoming a modern busy metropolis, and a trade and transportation center.

      Welcome to my city and enjoy the special local produce. I believe you'll love it.

Best wishes,

Li Hua

produce: [U] 产品;(尤指)农产品

farm produce农产品

The shop sells only fresh local produce.这家商店只售当地的新鲜农产品。

1. 位置(郑州西),人口(六十多万),面积(908平方公里);
2. 其它信息:气候适宜;交通便利等;
3. 表示愿意提供导游服务。
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
平方公里 square kilometers

位于...… ...lies in/ is located in... Located in....,...is...

有……人口 ...has a population of …/ with a population of …

面积/占地……平方公里 ...covers/ has an area of... square kilometres/ km

有……年悠久的历史 …has/ with a long history of ... years

因为……著名 …is famous/ well-known for…

作为……著名 …is famous/ well-known as…

(在……方面)取得很大的进步 …has greatly improved/ has made great progress (in...)



①Located in..., my hometown ... is a city with a history of.../ My hometown ... lies in ...   ②It covers/ has a total area of ... square kilometres with a population of ... million.  ③The climate here is ... ④Besides, as an ancient capital city, it has lots of places of interest like ... , which attracts tourists from all over the world to enjoy its scenery. ⑤More importantly, in recent years the city has greatly developed in ...

⑥Welcome to my hometown. ⑦If you have the chance to come here, I would like to act as your guide.

①介绍该地地理位置、面积(7446.2 square km) 、人口(12.6 million)等基本信息;




Hearing that you’d like to visit my hometown, Xingyang, I’m more than pleased to give you a brief introduction.

Located in the west of Zhengzhou, Xingyang covers an area of 908 square kilometers with a population of more than 600,000. The climate here is neither too hot nor too cold, bringing us beautiful natural scenery. I’m sure the pleasant climate and convenient transportation will make your trip easy and enjoyable. What’s more, it is a historical city with many tourist attractions, which are well worth visiting.

If you have the chance to come here, I’d like to be your guide and show you around many places of interest. Looking forward to your early reply.




Dear Cindy,




Li Hua

Hearing that you’re interested in my hometown, I’m more than pleased to share with you its brief introduction.

Located in Central China, Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province and covers an area of 7567 square km with a population of 12.6 million. The climate here is pleasant and people can enjoy beautiful scenery all the year round. Besides, as an ancient capital city, it has a long history and countless places of interest like Shaolin Temple, which is well-known for its Kungfu throughout the world. More importantly, in recent years the city has greatly developed, becoming a busy modern city, and a trade and transportation center.

If you have the chance to come here, Id like to be your guide. I believe youll love it. Looking forward to your reply.

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