
发表时间:2019/05/08 08:29:05  浏览次数:1439  
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1. 误:Remember to point out where are you from and how long have you been in China.

正:Remember to point out where you are from and how long you have been in China.



2. 误:It is suggested to give a self-introduction.

: It is suggested that you (should) give a self-introduction.

点拨:没有 It is suggested to do的句型,可以用 It is suggested that... 句型。


4. 误:Second, you should write about what you saw or listened in China.

正:Secondly, you should write about what you saw or heard in China.

点拨: listen是不及物动词,不能加宾语。


5. 误:In addition, you are suggested to describe your experiences in China.

正:In addition, you are advised to describe your experiences in China.

点拨:我们不能说 sb be suggested to do 可以用 be advised to do。如果我们想表达 “建议某人做某事”我们可以说“suggest sb doing  suggest ones doing  advise sb to do,而不能说 suggest sb to do


6. : Im writing to tell the requests of it.

正:Im writing to tell the requirements of it.

点拨: request强调“请求”,require 强调 “要求”,根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等提出的要求要用 require, 它的名词形式是 requirement


7. 误:Im glad to hear that you intend to join the activity whose theme is China in Progress.

正:Im going to join in the activity whose theme is China in Progress.

点拨:如果我们想表达 “加入某项活动”,要用的结构是  join (sb) in an activity


8. 误:Last but not least, you may as well conclude it with the influence that China has made on you.

正:Last but not least, you may as well conclude it with the influence that China has on you.

点拨:如果想表达“对某人/某事物有影响”,要用 have effect/influence on sb/sth的结构。


9. 误:Last but not least, the influence on you should be appeared in you article.

正:Last but not least, the influence on you should appear in your article.

点拨: appear是不及物动词,没有被动语态。


10. 误:Knowing that you have the willing to participate in the activity, I feel it a great privilege(特权;优惠,荣幸) to give you a hand.

正:Knowing that you are willing to participate in the activity, I feel it a great privilege to give you a hand.

点拨: willing是形容词,它的名词形式是  willingness 。如果想要表达“乐意做某事”,我们要用 be willing to do的结构。

11. 误:It's a combination with reading, reciting and comprehension.

正:It's a combination of reading, reciting and comprehension.

点拨:注意短语搭配:combine A and/with B”;“a combination of ... 


12. 误:This competition, which named Chinese Poetry Competition, is held by CCTV 10.

正:This competition, which was named Chinese Poetry Competition, is held by CCTV 10.

或: This competition named Chinese Poetry Competition is held by CCTV 10.

或:This competition whose name is Chinese Poetry Competition is held by CCTV 10.



13. 误:You will recite many poetries according to some information.

正:You will recite many poems according to some clues.

点拨:poetry ”是诗歌的总称,是不可数名词,不能用复数。


14. 误:There is a good news that the Chinese Poetry Competition will he held.

正:There is a good piece of news that Chinese Poetry Competition will be held.

点拨:news”是不可数名词,如果想表达“一条消息”,我们要用“a piece of good news


15. 误:It is no doubt that the theme of this competition is Chinese poetry.

正:There is no doubt that the theme of this competition is Chinese poetry.

点拨:要牢记举行There is no doubt that...”“It is no wonder that...”。


16. 误:I'd appreciate it if you could receive my invitation.

正:I'd appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.



17. Who knows more about poems will win the competition.

正:Anyone who knows more abundant poems will win the competition.

或:Those who know more abundant poems will win the competition.

或:Whoever knows more abundant poems will win the competition.

点拨:who”引导主语从句带有疑问的含义,而“whoever”“Those who”“Anyone who”可以表达肯定的含义,表示“任何人”。


18. 误:I wish you are able to make a good job in it.

正:I wish you were able to do a good job in it.

或:I hope you are able to do a good job in it.

点拨: wish后的从句要用虚拟语气;hope”后的宾语从句不需要用虚拟。


19. The main contents are following.

正:The main contents are as follows.

点拨:用 “as follows”表示 “如下”,它可以用作状语,也可以用作表语。


20. At the same time, there are one hundred people answer the same question.

正: At the same time, there are one hundred people who answer the same question.

或: At the same time, there are one hundred people answering the same question.


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