
发表时间:2021/05/25 08:13:08  浏览次数:336  
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I. 书面表达:



Knowing that you are interested in Chinese history and want to visit China, so I’m writing to recommend some historic cities to you.

You can go to Kai Feng, it has many places of interest.

You can go to Kaifeng, which has a long history.
You can go to Kaifeng, the capital of several ancient dynasties, where you can visit various places of interest.

1.故宫  the Forbidden City/ the Palace Museum
2.长城  the Great Wall
3.天坛  the Temple of Heaven
4.天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square
5.颐和园  the Summer Palace
6.西湖  the West Lake
7.兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors
8.丝绸之路  the Silk Road
9.敦煌莫高窟 the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang

少林寺:Shaolin Temple
龙门石窟:the Longmen Grottoes
白马寺: White Horse Temple
二七纪念塔:Erqi Memorial Tower
清明上河园: Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden
云台山: Yuntai Mountain

B篇:1. 在某人50多岁的时候   2. side effect  3. consume a fair amount of time
C篇 1. portable  2. solar-powered   3. be shaped like  4.  demanding   5. emotional  6. caring
D篇: 1. skyscraper  2. network wires
3. solar-powered light4. focus on wildlife preservation
5. sponsor  6. financial   7. a travel guide  8. biography

III. 完形填空

1. search  2. His money ran out.  3. originally

4. merely  5. save on rent  6. a special talent of his put him on the map  7.favorable

8. post updates and picture with celebrities(发布更新及与名人的合影)

9. despite his newfound fame尽管他刚刚成名

10. donate  11. show up  12. look around  13. generosity

IV. 语法填空和短文改错

1. escape enemies  2. program  v.
3. stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.
4. with colored earphones _________(hang) from their ears
5. 这是一种很好的方式充分利用你的业余时间来练习提高你的英语听力技能。
6. 有很难的听力测试
7. 做某事有困难 have difficulty doing sth.
8. absolute — _______ adv.
9. 坚持做…

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