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Unit 5 THE FEAST: 18,000 BC 公元前一万八千年的一次盛宴

拉拉担心(be worried about作状语,将be扔掉她这次盛宴的准备工作, 所以赶紧把坚果、甜瓜和其他水果收集起来就快步回家了。由于在草原上放牧,家族成员先分散开,然后在不同的地方相聚,这是他们的一个习俗。她的额头出现了一道皱纹。要是能像去年那样就好了(if only后用虚拟语气)!当大胡选拉拉作未来孩子的母亲时,她觉得很高兴。他是这个家族中最好的工匠,被他选中对拉拉来说是莫大的荣幸。她记得那时热血澎湃。当族人为他的选择欢呼鼓掌的时候,拉拉觉得非常自豪。她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!那么她就不会这么担心了。

听见狼群在森林里嚎叫(having heard表示该动作先于谓语celelerated发生),拉拉加快了回洞穴的步伐,担心会有野兽在等着她。她身边没有男人拿着矛来保护她。快到目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。因此那个男人把肉带回了家用来设宴!肉的香味笼罩着她,使她因饥饿而头昏眼花。她看到母亲和大一些的孩子在烧烤鹿肉和猪肉,她姨妈在用兽皮做衣服。突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂(scoop熟词生义:抱起,拿起)了起来(only to do表示出乎意料的结果)拉拉宽慰地(in/with relief)笑了。跟家人在一起实在是太好啦!


他先朝这些石刮子瞧了瞧,然后走到洞穴的一个角落,拖出来更多的工具。这些工具同其它一些锐利的箭头和石斧头堆放在一起。他选了一个大块石头,用它做锤子敲打一个需要磨快的石刮子边沿。他时不时地(now and then)停下来看看,在手上试一试,然后再继续工作。当他觉得石刮子够快,可以切肉刮鱼鳞了,他才停下来。他把石刮子递给拉拉。这时候,第一批邻近洞穴的客人就开始到来吃饭了。拉拉情绪高涨起来(spirits rose)是的,今年的盛宴一定会跟去年一样热闹!她高兴地自己笑着,走出洞外,去欢迎她的朋友和邻居。

Unit 5 THE FEAST: 18,000 BC 公元前一万八千年的一次盛宴

Worried about the preparations for her feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection of nuts, melons and other fruit.

拉拉担心她这次盛宴的准备工作, 所以赶紧把坚果、甜瓜和其他水果收集起来就快步回家了。

It was the custom of family groups to separate and then gather again at different sites for reunions as they followed the animal herds across the grasslands.


A wrinkle appeared on her forehead.她的额头出现了一道皱纹。

If only it could be just like last year!要是能像去年那样就好了!

At that time she had been so happy when Dahu chose her as the future mother of his children. 当大胡选拉拉作未来孩子的母亲时,她觉得很高兴。

He was the best toolmaker in the group and it was a great honour for her to be chosen.


She remembered the blood pulsing through her veins. 她记得那时热血澎湃。

She had felt so proud as the group shouted loudly to applaud his choice. 当族人为他的选择欢呼鼓掌的时候,拉拉觉得非常自豪。

If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! 她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!

Then she wouldn't have been feeling so worried now.那么她就不会这么担心了。

Having heard wolves howling in the forest, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.


She had no man with his spear to protect her.她身边没有男人拿着矛来保护她。

She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped. 快到目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。

So the men had brought home the meat for the feast! 因此那个男人把肉带回了家用来设宴!

The smell of cooking meat filled the air surrounding her, and her senses became dizzy with hunger. 肉的香味笼罩着她,使她因饥饿而头昏眼花。

She could see her mother and the older children preparing the deer and pig meat over the fire. 她看到母亲和大一些的孩子在烧烤鹿肉和猪肉,

Her aunts were making clothes with animal skins.她姨妈在用兽皮做衣服。

Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.


Lala smiled with relief.拉拉宽慰地笑了,

It was good to have her family around her.跟家人在一起实在是太好啦!

Just then a tall man came up behind her.就在这时候,她身后出来了一位高个子男人。

He had a large, square face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.


Over his shoulder he carried several fish and some pieces of wood under his arm


Lala smiled and handed some stone scrapers over to Dahu, who smiled and went outside the cave to begin his task.


First he looked carefully at the scrapers and then went to a corner of the cave and pulled out some more tools.


They were in a pile with other sharp arrowheads and stone axe-heads.


He chose one large stone and began to use it like a hammer striking the edge of the scraper that needed sharpening.


Now and then Dahu would stop, look at it and try it against his hand before continuing his task.


He stopped when he felt the scrapers were sharp enough to cut up the meat and scrape the fish.


As he passed them to Lala, the first of the guests from the neighbouring caves began to arrive for dinner.


Lala's spirits rose.拉拉情绪高涨起来。

Yes, it was going to be just as wonderful as last year!


She smiled to herself gaily and went out of the cave to welcome her friends and neighbours.


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