
发表时间:2017/04/05 00:00:00  浏览次数:1237  
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At 23my career got going. I was midway through a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science and had been hired as a part-time reporter for a finance website.

I got a great one-month review and my boss asked if I was interested in staying with the company after graduation.

However, balancing graduate studies with work was challenging. To deal with it, I checked my real self at my office door. I came in to workgreeted my colleagues and listened more than I contributed in each morning meeting. The small team I worked with often seemed busy, so rather than giving ideas that might get turned down, I stayed back.

After four monthsmy boss called me into his office. The meeting was going well until he told me that despite the great work I had producedthe team had held a meeting and decided“We don’t think it’s the right fit. ”

I must have looked confused. “You' re ambitious, intelligent and will be very successful” my boss said, “ But you haven’t made enough effort to join the team. You lost the enthusiasm you showed in your interview. That won't work long termand if I could give you one piece of advice it would be to let your guard down. ” I couldn't believe that performing well at my job wasn’t enough to keep it. But I knew my boss was right. They knew that when they hired meI had no experience in finance reporting, yet they took a chance on me. In meetings I usually contributed lastafter I had heard everyone else's suggestions. I did it to show that I was a listenerbut also to hide my fears. They liked the person who walked into the interview, and they didn’t respect me when I hid that person from them.

“Don’t leave before you leave. ” That advice is essential for women at all stages of our careers. Because we work so hard for success, we don’t like to think that we hurt ourselves sometimes. But each of us must change when necessary. In trying to earn a full-time jobI “leaned back” in order not to show too much of myself or my lack of expertise (专门知识).I learned that the hard way wasn’t the way to achieve our goals.

25. Why was the author offered a job at the company at first?

A. She just got her master’s degree in finance.

B. She greatly impressed her boss in her first month.

C. She had quite a lot of experience in finance reporting.

D. She showed her special financial talent while working there.

26. During her next four months at the company, the author_.

A. performed well enough to earn the team’s respect

B. didn’t balance her graduate studies with work very well

C. was a good listener and contributed a lot in the meetings

D. was afraid to offer her ideas because of her lack of confidence

27. What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

A. We should always keep up our enthusiasm at work.

B. Expertise and experience are greatly valued in the workplace.

C. We should not shy away from sharing our ideas when working in a team.

D. It’s unwise of women to show themselves off when taking part in teamwork.

答案 25.B 26.D 27.C 


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