
发表时间:2019/09/12 14:51:41  浏览次数:601  
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1. You should have a strong desire to learn you English well .Nothing is more important than a willing heart if you want to do something well。


2. I believe you can be a good English learner. 


3. Never let me down.             


4. Work hard to make you dream come true before its too late.


5. Work hard before it becomes too late .


6. English is so important that it can decide your fate. Work hard at it and stirve for a bright future.


7. English is a very easy subject .It requires a little of your time as well as a willing heart.


8.You can learn it well if you have a strong desire .


9. Nothing is impossible before strong will and defermination .


10. Now it’s time for you to stand up and fight--fight for what belongs to you-- a bright future.


11. You are hopeful if you have a strong desire to learn English well.


13. You are still hopeful if you have a desire to learn English well.


14.Never give up. Hopes are always there for a willing heart.


15. Everyone can be a great success if he has a strong desire.


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