Unit 5 Nelson Mandela — a modern hero

发表时间:2016/09/01 00:00:00  浏览次数:707  
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1. What we sometimes ignore or don’t realize is that the world is a large stage, where everyone has his part, so that we are often deep lost in the state of self-center or self-pity.

2. We should take an active part in after-class activities not only to keep fit, but also to enrich our school life.

3. He pretends to be making comment on the drawings, but as a matter of fact, he knows nothing about art. However, his brother has no equal in his family when it comes to art.

4. He is ambitious and devoted to his work, and since he came into power, he has carried out a series of reforms. Meanwhile his devotion to his wife is also touching/moving.

5. Education refers to teaching people various subjects, usually at a school or college. But in my opinion, if we want to be educated, we should try to teach ourselves anytime and anywhere.

6. Only when the government takes immediate measures to prevent people from hunting the endangered animals, can we live in harmony with animals.

7. Only by working hand in hand, can we reduce social violence and create a harmonious society.

8. I seemed to have seen him somewhere before, but his name escaped me although I had searched it in my mind hard for a long time.

上一篇:Unit 4 Earthquakes
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