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1.       be absent from the meeting  缺席会议     be present at the meeting  出席会议

2.       in sb’s absence  /  in during the absence of sb.  某人不在时

3.       absent-minded   adj. 心不在焉的;健忘的( forgetful )

4.       absorb light/ carbon dioxide/ sb. 吸光/ 吸二氧化碳 / 吸引某人全部的注意力

5.       be absorbed in  专注于---

6.       have/gain access to(介词)使用/接近的权利或机会  

7.       accessible  adj. 易得到的,易进入的

8.       Each room comes with its own bathroom and Internet access.每个房间都有浴室,都能上网

9.       open/close a saving account /销储蓄账户       accountant  n.会计,会计师

10.   give us a long account of her trip to Europe         向我们讲述她的欧洲之行

11.   on account of :because of     因为,由于

12.   take sth. into account/ consideration    ---考虑进去                  

13.   account for   (数量,比例上)占----; 解释,说明

14.   be/get/become accustomed to (prep.) sth./doing sth. :  be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯---

15.   achieve/ realize/ fulfill one’s dream/ goal  实现某人的梦想/目标 achieve succes取得成功

16.   make great achievements  取得巨大的成就       a sense of achievement  成就感

17.   take an active part in after-class activities      积极参加课外活动         

18.   passive adj. 消极的,被动的  active  adj. 积极的,主动的,活跃的(inactive 不活跃的)

19.   be/get addicted to sth./doing sth. 上瘾   

20.   addiction n. 上瘾,     Internet addiction 网瘾   addict n.着迷的人,吸毒上瘾的人

21.   admit (admitted, admitted) doing sth. 承认做某事   admission n. 承认;入场费;进入权

22.   be admitted into/ to a key university  被一所重点大学录取

23.   be admitted to/into a local hospital

24.   weigh between advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊strengths and weaknesses 优缺点

25.   have an advantage over sb./sth.  ---有优势          take advantage of 利用---

26.   adapt/adjust (oneself) to sth./doing sth.    适应----

27.   devote oneself to sth./doing sth.  be devoted to sth.  致力于---;献身于---

28.   devote sth.( money, time, energy ) to sth.    --- (金钱,时间,精力)用于---

29.   abandon oneself to sth./doing sth.   沉溺于---

30.   spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily


31.   try our best to accomplish our task perfectly    尽最大努力出色完成任务

32.   accumulate wealth/ evidence/ stamps    积累财富/收集证据/收集邮票

33.   an accurate account 准确的描述        accuracy n. 准确性,精确度 (inaccuracy

34.   acknowledge  v. 承认;(公开)答谢

35.   ask for/seek sb’s practical advice 征求某人实用性的建议 a piece of useful advice一条建议

36.   advise doing sth. advise sb. to do sth. ;  advise that----(should) do sth.(虚拟语气)

37.   It is strongly advised that---(should)---- (虚拟语气)      强烈建议----

38.   Please advise us of any changes in your personal details.你的个人资料如有变化,敬请告知。

39.   afford to do sth. 负担得起--      affordable  adj.  affordably  adv.

40.   be anxious for  担忧,忧虑---      be anxious to do sth. 渴望--- be eager to do sth.     an anxiety disorder  焦虑症        wait with anxiety 焦急地等待

41.   apologize to sb. for sth.             make an apology to sb. for sth.   道歉

42.   apply to sb. for sth. 申请---      apply sth. to sth. 应用到---    apply v. 涂,敷

43.   a job application 求职申请fill in/out an application form 填写申请表  applicant n.申请人

44.   appreciate  v.欣赏,赏识;感谢,感激;理解,明白    appreciation  n.  appreciative  adj.

45.   appreciate doing sth. 乐意做---    appreciate the importance of sth.理解某事的重要性   

46.   I’ll appreciate it if you can be kind enough to give me a reply at your earliest convenience.

47.   attend to :deal with;  look after/ take care of sb.  处理;照顾

48.   hold a positve attitude to/ towards/toward life    对生活持有积极的态度

49.   be aware of the importance of protecting environment  意识到环保的重要性

50.   raise / promote one’s awareness of protecting personal privacy  提高某人保护隐私的意识

51.   make me annoyed 让我生气            a piece of annoying news 让人烦恼的一则新闻

52.   appeal to sb :interest sb./ attract sb.  吸引/使某人感兴趣

appeal to sb. to do sth.  呼吁/恳请某人做某事    appealing  adj. (interestingattractive)

53.   approve of :be for, be in favor of  支持,赞同       approval  n. 批准,赞同  

be against, oppose to, object to  反对

54.   arrange for sb. to do sth.  安排某人做某事      

55.   make an arrangement for the meeting   安排会议

56.   from all the aspects of our daily life  从日常生活的方方面面

57.   call on sb.  拜访某人   call at sp.  拜访某地     call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做某事

58.   call sb. names 辱骂某人     call for 要求;需要;去接某人( call for you at the airport)      

59.   call up sb. 打电话;使人想起---       a boy called/named Jack 名叫杰克的男孩

60.   come about happen, 发生)    come across (encounter,邂逅,偶遇);被理解;   

come true vi. 实现)   come up 上来,走近;被提出,被讨论;(植物,太阳)出来

come up with 提出(想法,建议等);拿出(一笔钱等)    come to  共计,合计---

61.   advise them to take Bus No.20   建议他们乘坐20路公交车

62.   keep the balance of ecosystem   保持生态系统平衡

63.   bear doing sth./ tolerate (tolerant, tolerance ) ,  put up with,  stand   容忍,忍受

64.   I hold the belief that------(同位语从句) 我持有----的信念   beyond belief 令人难以置信

believe it or not 信不信由你       believable adj. (unbelievable adj.  难以置信的)

Seeing is believing./ To see is to believe. 眼见为实。/百闻不如一见。

65.   belong to 属于,无被动语态和进行时态

a country belonging to the third world (作后置定语时用v-ing形式)

66.   benefit sb. (vt.) 使---受益        benefit from--- (vi. ) ---受益

be of great benefit to sb./sth. (n.)---有益   be very beneficial to sb./ sth. (adj.) 有益

67.   blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人     to be blame 应受责备;应负责任

68.   be bored with—厌倦   a boring job 无聊的工作   boredom n. 厌烦,无聊,厌倦

69.   breath  n.   breathe  v. 呼吸 (hold one’s breath, out of breath

70.   breathtaking  adj. 激动人心的,惊人的,令人叹为观止的

71.   be burdened with---  承担着,承载着--- The students are burdened with heavy study.

72.   bitter adj. 苦的    bitterness  n.     bitterly adv. 伤心地,愤怒地;极其,非常

73.   cut down trees 砍倒树木            cut down on fatty food 减少高脂食物

cut the article down to 1,000 words 把这篇文章缩减至1000      cut up 切碎,剁碎

cut in 插嘴,打断;强行超车         cut off 切掉,切断,使隔绝(cut sb./sth. off from--)

cut through/across 抄近路            cuts n. on the face 脸上的伤口

74.   break out (vi.) (战争,火灾) 突然爆发       break down (机器,身体,情感等) 垮了

break into cheers/laughter/ tears       break out laughing/ crying 突然大哭/大笑

break into 破门而入   His house was broken into last night. 昨晚有人闯入了他的房间。

break up: to end 结束    break through 突破,突围    break away (from--) 脱离,摆脱

have/ take a short break n.  稍作休息   at the break(n.天亮,拂晓) of day 拂晓时分   

75.   We’ll make every effort to make your trip in Beijing a pleasant and unfogettable experience.

76.   Mr. Black, a professor from Yale, will give us a report on international situation, which everyone is supposed to attend.

77.   In addition to these trational activities, we have a wide range of choices such as travelling and visiting our ralatives or friends.

78.   Where there is a will, there is a way.

79.   It is universally acknowledged that learning English well will be of great benefit to college life.

80.   Please take an active part in after-school activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning.

81.   Diligence is the mother of success.

82.   I am wondering if you have made a defenite plan for the coming summer holiday.

83.   With the Spring festival approaching/ As the Spring Festival approaches, people throughtout the country are busying pruchasing from store to store.

84.   Well begun, half done.

85.   Sports help us build up our body,improve our ability of balance, develop our endurance and cooperation sense.

86.   Though each coin has two sides,I approve of the fomer/ the latter.

87.   There is no doubt that sports play a vital role in the physical and mental health of each student.

88.   To my mind, we must take measures/ steps/action to ensure regulations and rules on campus can be carried out smoothly.

89.   Staying up late to study does harm to your health. In addition, it will affect your study the following day for lack of energy.

90.   Do more exercise and have enough sleep,and you will feel relaxed and energetic.

91.   keep/stay clam 保持镇静/冷静              calm (sb. )down(使)平静/冷静

92.   catch sb. by the arm 抓住某人的胳膊         catch the first bus 赶成第一班车

catch sb. picking the flowers 抓住某人在摘花   catch a bad cold 得了重感冒 

catch one’s attenti on 吸引/引起某人的注意     catch up with sb. 赶上/追上

be/get caught in the heavy rain 遇上大雨   catch sight of 看见--   catch on理解,流行

93.   cause sb. to do sth. 致使某人做某事       the cause of /the reason for sth. ----的原因  

cause and effect 因果                   a rewarding cause 一个值得的事业

94.   celebrate  v.庆祝           celabration  n.庆祝  

95.   take the chance to do sth. 抓住机会做某事    There is no chance that—没有---的可能性

Chances are that--- 很可能---                take chances/a chance 冒险;碰运气

by chance 偶然地,意外地

96.   charge sb. with sth. /accuse sb. of sth. 指控 ,控告    charge sb. sth. for sth. 要价,收费

charge up 充电          take charge of负责,掌管      be in charge of 负责,掌管    be in the charge of 被负责,被掌管           free of charge/for free/for nothing 免费地

97.   choose(chose,chosen)  v.选择               make a choice 做出选择

98.   campare A with/to B AB作比较   compare A to BA比作B(比喻)

Compared with/to other people’s,my own problems seem insignificant.


99.   communicate/interact with sb. ---交流/沟通        communication skills 沟通方式

100.  a block of rock 一块岩石     an apartment block 公寓楼      a traffic block 交通堵塞

Go around the corner on the left and keep going srtaight for two blocks and you will not miss it. 向左转过这个拐角,一直向前走两个街区,你不会错过它。

101.  boom   n./v.  隆隆声;激增,繁荣         the economic boom 经济的繁荣

booming   adj. 繁荣昌盛的

102.  boundary  n. 分界线,边界

103.  be on a tight budget 预算紧张

104.  bring about: cause 导致,引起    bring up 抚养,养育(raise;提出(讨论等);呕吐

105.  run out  vi.    run out of  vt.  用完,用尽

106.  the growing concern for continuing high unemployment 对居高不下的失业率的日益担忧

Thank you for your concern. 谢谢你的关心。

be concerned about/for  担忧;关心       as far as sb. be concerned  ---而言

various questions concerning (prep.关于)pollution and environmen有关污染和环境的各种

107.  conclude  v. 推断出;结束(conclude with sth. ;

conclusion  n. 结论   arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论

in conclusion/ in a word/ in short/in brief/ all in all/ in general/generally speaking  总之

108.  be confident about  ---有信心      have/lose confidence in sb./sth. /失去信心

build up/increase one’s confidence  建立自信

109.  consider doing sth. 考虑做---      consider----(as/to be) adj./n  认为,觉得---怎么样

All things considered, the planned trip will have to be put off. 考虑到所以情况,计划好的旅行不得不推迟。

110.  considering conj.& prep. 考虑到,鉴于

considerable    adj. (数量,程度等)相当大的,相当重要的

considerate :thoughtful    adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的

consideration   n. 考虑,体贴,体谅

take sth. into consideration/account   ---考虑进去

111.   on the contrary  相反

112.   a remote control   遥控器                    beyond sb’s control 某人无法控制

113.   at your earliest convenience  在你最方便时

114.  We hope you will accept our invitation if it is convient for you.


115.  do/cause damage to--- ---造成危害

116.  scream in/with delight   高兴地尖叫                take delight in 高兴

to one’s delight  ---感到高兴的是             be delighted to do sth. 做某事很高兴

117.  develop/form a good habit    培养良好的习惯     

develop will and determination  增强意志力和决心

develop a kind of intelligent robot     研制/开发出一种智能机器人

develop the photos  冲洗照片                    a developed country  发达国家

with the development of ---   随着----的发展        a developing country  发展中国家

118.  brief   adj. 简短的,短暂的    briefly  adv.       in brief  简言之,总之

119.  campaign  n. 战役,运动,活动       launch an advertising campaign  发起宣传活动

120.  casual adj. 偶然的,随意的,临时的 (casually  adv.  a casual meeting 巧遇

a casual glance  匆匆一瞥             a casual labourer 临时工

He was dismissed (解雇) last week because of his casual(漫不经心的) attitude to his job.

121.  caution   n. 小心,谨慎,警告    v. 警告            cautious   adj. 小心谨慎的

122.  classify    vt. 分类,归类        classification  n.

123.  get away with 做坏事而未受惩罚             区别:do away with: abolish   废除

get across  被理解,被传达;把---讲清楚         get along with ---和睦相处;进展

get close to nature   接近/靠近自然            get down to sh./doing sth. 开始做某事

get in touch with sb./contact sb. 联系某人   区别: keep in touch with sb. 保持联系

get through  接通电话;通过(pass)     区别:go through : experience  经历,遭受

get round/ around/ about ; go round/around/ about 四处走动;(消息,流言,疾病)传播,流传

124.  go bad  (食物)变坏,变质   go from bad to worse 每况愈下  go against 违反,不利于      

go by 流逝,过去(Everything will get easier as time goes by. 随着时间的推移,一切都会好起来的。

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