
发表时间:2023/02/12 10:18:53  浏览次数:129  
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      After winning teh championship in boys' singles under 14 years old at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou in late August, 2022, Wang Fa has ______(rapid) attracted attention on  the Internet. He is known for carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket, ________(earn)him the name of "basket tennis boy".

      Wang Fa is a member of the VA ethnic group(瓦族)in Gangyuan Va autonomous county, Yunnan province, ______was just lifted out of poverty in 2019. Over the past six years, he, along with his _______(fellow)at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club, _______(improve) his skills and physical strength through training that includes running 9 kilometers and swinging his racket more than 7000 thimes every day. "If it ______(be) not for tennis, I would still be helping out my family with farm work back home," he told China Daily.


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