
发表时间:2017/12/29 00:00:00  浏览次数:942  
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第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Around the front fence of my house I have a place that is full of roses and other flowers. On the fence there is a   41   I made saying, “My roses are   42   . I grow them to   43   and share as gifts, but the   44   way to get one is to ask first.” I often   45   folks smell my roses and   46   the sight of them, and then I’ll ask, “Would you like one?” I’ve made a lot of new friends in this   47  .

Over the years, I’ve had many chances to know   48   who have either asked for and been given, or   49   the sign and taken my roses. Years back, I noticed three teenage girls   50   taking my roses as they passed to and from school. Then one afternoon, they   51   the roses once more and broke some off. I went near to them for a  52  before they ran away. I explained how they were   53   my roses by breaking them off and that they were stealing them   55   all they had to do was just ask for them. Later, these three girls asked for roses for a couple of years till they   55  .

Many  56  have been given and received in the course of these   57   over more than 30 years of living here. Then, one winter evening years later, I stepped into a store to   58   a rose before my wife’s birthday. The eyes of the young owner went wide when she   59   me and she wouldn’t accept my money for the rose. Guess who? One of those three girls!  

That’s it: one   60  turn deserves another!

41. A. mark B. signal C. sign   D. warning

42. A. fresh  B. valuable C. useful D. pretty

43. A. own B. appreciate C. sell D. treat

44. A. proper B. attractive C. legal D. main

45. A. hear B. notice C. make   D. feel

46. A. enjoy B. break C. catch D. miss

47. A. hope B. turn C. way   D. field

48. A. relatives B. girls C. gardeners   D. folks

49. A. destroyed B. ignored     C. escaped    D. removed

50. A. finally B. exactly C. regularly D. personally

51. A. ran after B. stared at   C. got tired of D. came up to

52. A. talk B. question C. charge D. debate

53. A. planting B. picking C. protecting D. hurting

54. A. if B. since C. though   D. as

55. A. graduated  B. responded C. apologized D. failed

56. A. flowers   B. lessons C. gifts D. ideas

57. A. traditions B. introductions C. communications D. expressions

58. A. in return for B. in search for C. in charge of D. as a result of

59. A. recognized B. persuaded  C. accepted  D. believed

60. A. quick B. wide C. willing  D. good


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