
发表时间:2019/12/18 16:35:33  浏览次数:467  
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The first summer job is often a signal that you’re on your way to adulthood, and it’s also a method for earning money to pay for what you dream of. It’s never too early to start considering the future. Now, here are some good choices for you!

Retail (零售) Sales

Retail offers plenty of opportunity for teens who are looking for a job. This type of work can pay from $10 to $15 an hour depending upon the duty you are expected to take on. It can also be great for teens who are friendly and enjoy talking to other people. For more information, call us at 111-222-3333.

Food Service

A job in the food service industry is a natural fit for sociable teens who enjoy communicating with the public. It allows employees to work as part of a team while learning about following instructions. It also comes with the opportunity to earn between $8 and $10 per hour. Just call 111-222-3533 for more information.


This job requires someone who is highly responsible. Though it pays generally between $6 and $8 hourly, it also requires a lot of patience. This is a great choice for teens who wish to make a career in teaching, child care, social work or any other field that makes use of social skills or requires interaction with kids. Got a question? Just call 111-222-3336.


This type of work can bring in about $5 an hour and it will allow teens to learn responsibility and develop their organizational skills. The summer sees an upswing in the tourism industry, so hotels are often looking for more housekeeping staff, and parks often need more people to assist with keeping public areas clean and organized as well. Telephone: 111-222-3330.

21. How much can you earn at least in three hours as a retailer?

A. $10. B. $30.  C. $16.  D. $20.

22. Which of the following jobs may attract teens who want to be a teacher?

A. Babysitter. B. Food Service. C. Retail Sales.    D. Housekeeping.

23. Which can best replace the underlined part “an upswing” in the last paragraph ?

A. a sign B. a limit   C. an increase     D. a trick   

下一篇:Unit 1 Module 3
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