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考试时间:2019.9.8   分值:120分         命题人:张黎明      审核人:李艳芳



第一部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40)

第一节  (15;每小题2分,满分30)



   Clark and Dale were staying in the same room in a hospital. Clark was so sick that he could not even move his body. He had to spend all his time lying on his back. Dale could sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was next to the room’s only window.

   Over time, Clark and Dale became good friends. Every afternoon, Dale would look out of the room’s only window, describing the scenery outside for his friend. He told Clark about the flowers in a park outside the window, the people walking by, the green trees beside roads—anything that might interest a man.

   One morning, when a nurse came to check on the two men, she found that Dale had died in his sleep. As soon as the room seemed tidy again, Clark asked if he could move to the bed next to the window so that he could look out of the window himself. The nurse agreed. Slowly, he could take his first look at the world outside. To his surprise, he could see nothing but a blank wall of another building.

   The nurse explained that Dale had been blind. He had never seen anything outside the window at all—but he described beautiful scenes to help his friend feel better.

1. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Clark was too sick to move his body.

B. Although Clark was sick, he was asked to move his body.

C. Clark was sick, so he didn’t want to move his body.

D. Although Clark was sick, he could move his body.

2. Who described the scenery outside for Clark?

A. The doctor. B. The nurse.

C. His family. D. His friend Dale.

3. Clark wanted to move to the bed next to the window because _______.

A. he missed his friend very much

B. the bed there was tidier than his

C. he wanted to look at the world outside

D. he felt worse and worse

4. What did Clark find when he took his first look at the world outside?

A. The flowers in a park. B. The green trees beside roads.

C. The people walking by. D. A blank wall of another building.


   On April 19th, a pottery(陶器)exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Vallery Experimental School. Many pieces of pottery in different sizes were shown at school. Some were a bit broken, but all of them were beautiful works of art created by the students.

   At the end of last year, the school started a project that called on teachers to collect disused or broken pieces of pottery from the countryside. So far, they have collected about 3,000 pieces.

   “Pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people,” school head Ma Guoxin told the reporter. “By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways. They can better understand the history of the pottery, put their creativity into the pottery and show the love for life and beauty.”

Students turned the pottery into different works of art. They were all encouraged to paint pictures on the pottery, even though some students didn’t know how to paint. In March, the school held a pottery painting competition. Wang Zixuan, a student from Grade Eight, with little knowledge of painting, painted a beautiful night scenery on a piece of pottery. It was so nice that many students loved it.

   Almost every classroom has colored pieces of pottery .They are either used as flowerpots or pen containers (笔筒). The school has also set up several art corners to show the pottery. For example, the students have put some pottery on bookcases outside of a lecture hall(报告厅). It has become an enjoyable place for students to rest and read.

5. On April 19th, a __________exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Valley Experimental School.

A. flower           B. film         C. pottery         D. costume

6. According to the passage, _________were encouraged to paint the pottery.

A. the students who painted very well

B. the students who got good grades

C. the students who didn’t know how to paint

D. all the students in the school

7. By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways EXCEPT_________.

    A. knowing how to collect pottery

 B. better understanding the history of the pottery

C. putting their creativity into the pottery

D. showing the love for life and beauty

8. In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A. Sports news.      B. Traditional art.    C. Healthy living.       D. Popular music.


I was filled with doubts and worries until my grandfather told me to stand tall.

    For me, height was my trouble. I was much taller than other girls, so I often bent (弯曲) my body at the back of the line. I had always felt unsafe as the tallest student of my class in Bala Cynwyd. And I wasn't looking forward to entering the ninth grade.

    My grandfather didn't laugh at me. Instead, whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me, “Stand straight and tall, Alisa.” I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood. And whenever I was afraid of something, he always told me stories of his life.

    My grandfather grew up in war-torn(战乱的)Europe. “Stand straight, stand tall” meant something else then. After the war, he went to America. He lived a hard life. “If they could do it, why couldn't I?” “Stand straight, stand tall,” he often reminded (提醒) himself. Thanks to the help of a friend, my grandfather got a job. He once told me that he was very nervous at first. He was not only trying to learn this hard new job but also a new language.

    “Stand straight, stand tall,” he would always tell himself. I am so proud of my grandfather. After listening to my grandfather's unusual experiences. I have changed the way I look at my own life.

“Stand straight, stand tall” has become not only a piece of advice to improve my posture (身姿). It also tells me to be proud of who I am.

And I do.

9. Alisa often bent her body because ______.

A. she lived a hard life           

B. she was much taller than other girls  

C. she always stood at the back of the line  

D. she didn't want to enter the 9th grade

10. What did Alisa's grandfather do with her trouble?

   A. He laughed at her.             B. He asked her to bend her body.

   C. He told her to stand straight and tall.  D. He advised her to stay away from her friends.

11. “Stand straight, stand tall” means _______  in the passage.

   A. making yourself look tall        B. taking care of yourself

C. being proud of yourself          D. reminding yourself

12. What's the best title for this passage?

   A. Stand straight, stand tall         B. My grandfather's life stories

C. My colorful experiences         D. The help of a friend


   Dereck and Beverly are wildlife animal filmmakers (电影制片人). They have made lots of films about animals and plants. Their job is to keep and protect the big cats of Africa from damage (伤害). Beverly also takes photos of the lions, and her pictures have appeared in National Geographic magazine.

   When they were kids, Dereck was quiet and healthy, he was good at math and science. Beverly had a twin brother. At that time. her brother and she often got their mother into trouble! Beverly was a dancer, an athlete, played the piano (not very well), and was a class lender. Her favorite subject was science and she always got excellent grades in her science exams.

   When in the field, their work starts at around 4 am. After drinking a cup of tea, they drive out into the bush (灌木丛) to find their subjects. Sometimes that is a lion pride (). Lions are family animals, they usually live in groups of 15 or more. Sometimes that is a single leopard (花豹). They follow the animals for the day, filming, researching, and collecting facts, information or pictures. They don't stop working even when they have lunch. They are often back in camp by 8 pm.

   When talking about the favorite places to explore, Dereck says, "We live in it!" Beverly thinks being in nature is her favorite. Dereck thinks running or taking a swim in the Okavango swamp (沼泽)—especially swimming close to crocodiles (鳄鱼) is great fun, but Beverly says, “Swimming is fun but crazy in these waters!”

13. From the second paragraph, we can know that when they were kids,__________.

   A. Dereck was outgoing

   B. Beverly was quiet and healthy

   C. Beverly could play the piano very well

   D. Dereck and Beverly were both good at science

14. What does the passage mainly talk about?
       A. Animals and plants.              B. The story of Dereck and Beverly.

C. National Geographic magazine.      D. Dereck and Beverly's childhood.

15. From the passage, we can infer (推断) that________.
       A. Dereck and Beverly don't love nature at all

B. Dereck and Beverly are famous film stars

C. it's safe to take a swim in the Okavango swamp

D. their work is dangerous sometimes, but they like it


根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:如果选E在卡上同时AB, 如果选F在卡上同时AC, 如果选G在卡上同时AD

How to improve your perseverance (毅力)

If you’re familiar with the story of the hare and the tortoise, you know that the tortoise proved that perseverance is much more important than speed.  16 , but fewer people have the patience and perseverance of the tortoise. Here are some tips that can help you to improve your perseverance.

● Set goals and write them down.

If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, it’s hard to persevere (坚持) until you do.  17 , instead of making many projects that may upset you.

18 , and cross each step off the list as you complete it.

If you want to master the ability to cook German dishes, you’ll need to read cookbooks, study the recipes, buy ingredients(食料) and practice making the dishes. Write down all these steps and remove each step as you go.

● Make a list of the rewards related to any project to encourage yourself to persevere.

When you want to lose 40 pounds, it may seem like a difficult goal.  19 . You can lower your blood sugar or fit into your favorite pair of jeans. Keep those rewards in mind to encourage yourself to stick to your diet and exercise program.

● Imagine your success.

Take time each day to sit back, relax and picture the life you’ll lead once you’ve reached your goal.  20 . Read them over several times a day to encourage yourself to keep going.

A. Like the hare, many people start off strong

B. And you should focus on every step carefully

C. You can’t lose weight only by going on a diet

D. Make a list of the steps needed to reach your goal

E. But there are big rewards for doing so

F. Choose one or two goals that are most important to you and work toward those

G. Or you can write out a paragraph or two about how reaching your goal will change your life

第三部分:语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)

     Cheating happens a lot in our city. It can be hard to know who is really in   21   and who is trying to take advantage of other people’s    22      .
   Recently, I was finishing my work at home    23  the dog barked, letting me know that   24  was at the gate. I rushed to see who it was and there I saw a   25   weak woman in her late fifties.

     I said to her, "May I ask you what you     26   ?"

     She    27    , "Hello, my name is Mary. My husband and I live in the slum(贫民窟)nearby. We earn our living   28    working at construction sites. A few days ago my   29    tripped(绊倒) on the stairs while   30   a heavy load. He is   31    hurt and hasn’t been able to  32    for the past five days, so we have no food. Now he is at home in bed with a high fever. Please help me! I need to take my husband to a doctor!" 
    "Oh!" I said. "Please  33   here." I went into the room. I felt really bad about her   34   but...  Was she telling me the   35   or trying to cheat me out of my money?
    Finally, I   36   to help her. But first I said a simple prayer, "Dear Lord, you know   37     I earn my pennies, so please make sure that my hard earned money helps those who   38  need it. Amen."

    I went out with a fifty note and   39   it to her. The moment she got the money she broke down in tears. She took my hand and said, "May god bless you, my dear! Thank you so much!" I was so    40  , and turned back to my work smiling.

21. A. need B. case C. use D. control

22. A. braveness      B. kindness      C. interest     D envy

23. A. since B. until C. when D. after

24. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

25. A. popular B. proud C. poor D. busy

26. A. want B. notice C. enjoy D. recognize

27. A. refused B. expressed C. showed D. replied

28. A. by B. to C. in D. for

29. A. son B. father C. brother D. husband

30. A. gathering B. dropping  C. carrying D. choosing

31. A. hardly   B. badly C. probably D. actually

32. A. work B. drive C. remove D. operate

33. A. stop B. rest C. come D. wait

34. A. solution B. situation C. action D. position

35. A. hope B. news C. truth D. result

36. A. decided B. agreed C. tried D. expected

37. A. when B. whether C. how D. what

38. A. only B. naturally C. really D. formally

39. A. handed B. put C. reminded D. ordered

40. A. worried B. moved C. tired D. frightened



第二部分 英语知识运用



A man requested an old scholar to get rid of his son’s bad habits. The scholar took the boy for   41      walk through a garden. Suddenly he stopped  42      (ask) the boy to pull out a tiny plant growing there.

The boy held the plant between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it out. The old man then asked him to pull out a slightly   43     (big) plant. The boy pulled hard and the plant came out, roots and all. “Now pull out that one," said the old man   44      (point) to a bush. This time, the boy managed it but with great   45      (difficult).

After that, the old man led him to a big tree and said, “Now take this one out,” the boy grasped the trunk and tried his best   46      pullit out. But it would not move. “It’s impossible," said the boy, breathing  47      (heavy) with effort.

“So it is with bad habits,” said the wise man. “When they are weak, it is easy to pull them out but when they become strong they cannot   48   (remove).

The walk with the old man changed the boy’s life. So don’t wait   49         bad habits to take root. Get rid of them while you have control over them,    50       they will control you.

第三部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







The main purpose of newspapers are to provide news. If you examine newspapers closely, you would find there are all sort of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars, sports, books, etc. The news cover everything happens to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there is some news which is very interested. A news report is usual short, except when it is very important, but has a plenty of information. It is also writing in short paragraphs. The first paragraph is in the fact a summary of the news. It gives all the necessary information, what, when, where, how, and why.   


      假如你是李华,你的朋友John 写信告诉你他在高中学习英语有困难,向你寻求建议和帮助,请你根据以下要点给他写一封回信。







Dear John,



Li Hua




1-4 ADCD    5-8 CDAB    9-12 BCCA     13-15 DBD      16-20 AFDEG



 21-25 ABCAC     26-30 ADADC     31-35 BADBC   36-40 ACCAB



41. a  42. to ask  43. bigger  44. pointing  45. difficulty 46. to pull

47. heavily   48. be removed   49. for    50. or/otherwise   



51. are 改为is     52. would改为will    53. sort改为sorts   54. cover改为covers

55. happens前加thathappens改为happening    56. interested改为interesting    

57. usual改为usually    58. 去掉a    59 .writing改为written   60. 去掉fact前的the


Dear John,

      I’m sorry that you have trouble in learning English at your new school. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you.

     First of all, why not turn to your teacher for help? Generally speaking, teachers are always willing to help students and have rich experience. In addition, you should form a good learning habit. For example, you’d better read English for an hour every morning. Taking notes in class is also necessary, which will help you review what you have learned. Last but not least, it would be a good idea if you listen to English songs and see English movies in your spare time. By doing this, you can improve your listening skills.

      Above all, have confidence in learning English well. I hope you will find these ideas useful.


                                                                Li Hua








1. 三段式(交代背景,具体建议,希望建议有用),要点齐全。基本可得15分左右。书写好,可得18分,书写差可能10分左右。

2. 用衡水体书写,且恰当运用了黄金句型及其他复杂句型。基本得分20左右。特别好的,无语法错误,可得24或25。


第一段:一对朋友遇到困难表示同情,用I'm sorry that you have trouble in doing...; 二表示安慰,可用However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice.或Don't worry.三表示自己有建议:Here are some tips for you.

第二段:一般提出三条建议,用First of all, in addition, last but not least过渡。常用表示建议的句型:why not do...,  you'd better do sth...., it would be a good idea if you do...



1. 一定要用衡水体书写。

2. 作文不要有空白

3. 不要抄写前面的阅读。

4. 不要有涂抹,否则得分会很低。



1. 要求学生对阅读理解中错题的题干、选项及文中线索进行翻译。

2. 对将完形填空正确选项都填写到文章中,选项中不认识的词查一下字典。

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