
发表时间:2019/09/03 10:15:26  浏览次数:649  
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使用日期:93    训练时间:30分钟      命题人:张黎明

Passage A

It’s reported that more than 450 million Chinese have myopia (近视). Around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high students and 80 percent for senior high students are nearsighted. Maybe this is because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic products.

Parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such as having their children get eye massages(按摩), take medicine or even get surgery. People who offer these services or products often promise that they can reduce (缓解) or even cure (治愈) myopia.

However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has made a notice to ban (禁止) this kind of advertisements. The notice bans businesses from using words like “recovery”(恢复) and “myopia cure” in their advertisements. The notice says that myopia cannot be completely cured with medical technology now. As a result, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.

To reduce myopia among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan limits (限制) not only the time children play video games but also the production of new video games.

Young people can prevent and control myopia by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have eyesight problems should go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do.

41. What’s the myopia rate of junior high students according to the passage?

A. 30%. B. 45%. C. 60%. D. 80%.

42. Parents might do the following EXCEPT         to fix myopia according to Paragraph 2.

A. have their children get eye massages B. buy them special glasses

C. make their children take medicine D. get their children to do surgery

43. You won’t see advertisements on myopia with the word “       ” in the near future.

A. recovery B. eyesight    C. medical D. reduce

44. Which sentence is True according to Paragraph 4 and 5?

A. Students in lower grades are easy to get myopia.

B. Production of new video games has been limited.

C. Spending less time outdoors is good for children’s eyesight.

D. The notice gives advice on protecting the eyesight of elderly people.

45. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Don’t believe the advertisements.

B. Students shouldn’t be allowed to play video games.

C. The government and people are saving children’s eyesight.

D. Myopia can be cured with the medical technology at present.

Passage B

Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then given up? If you answered yes, you should try a new kind of exercise: aquatic (水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in a swimming pool. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise.

Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool. It is better for your knees than running or walking. Water is about 1000 times thicker and heavier than air. To move through the water, your body has to work four times as hard. As a result, you can burn more calories (卡路里).

In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water. They stop thinking about the things that make them worried. They feel in control of their bodies. The cool, quiet environment makes them feel good.

But what if you are afraid of the water? No problem! There is nothing to worry about. Aquatic exercise is safe and easy to learn. It doesn’t require any special skills. You don’t even need to know how to swim. Aquatic exercise is for everyone.

75. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

   A. Difference between air and water. B. Weight change of one’s body

C. The advantages of aquatic exercise. D. The ways to do aquatic exercise.

76. What do most people think of aquatic exercise?

   A. Relaxing. B. Worrying. C. Challenging. D. Boring.

77. According to the text, aquatic exercise is  ________.

   A. done in group B. fit for everyone   C. difficult to learn  D. done with special skills

78. In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

   A. Culture. B. Health. C. Nature. D. Travel.

Passage C

Like many high school graduates, Maggie Doyne didn’t go straight to college. She decided to travel and arrived in western Nepal in 2006. A war had just ended there and left many children living on the streets. They were often forced to work at hard physical jobs for little money.

One day, while walking down a country road, Doyne saw a little girl breaking up rocks. She soon learned that 7-year-old Hima sold the rocks to support her family. With deep sadness, she decided to pay Hima’s tuition (学费) for school. Encouraged by the changes in the child, Doyne thought, “If we can help one child, why not 10?”

Doyne felt that the street children’s greatest need was a home. She found a piece of land for sale and bought it with $5,000 she saved from years of babysitting (当临时保姆). In 2008 the Kopila Valley Children’s Home was set up. With the help from the community, another goal was reached in 2010—the Kopila Valley School. Over 350 children now attend the school and over 50 live in the home.

Today, Doyne lives in the home and is “mum” to the kids.

79. When did Maggie Doyne travel to western Nepal?

   A. In 2006 B. In 2007 C. In 2008 D. In 2010

80. Why did Hima break up the rocks?

   A. To do physical exercise. B. To build a new school .

C. To get money for her family. D. To repair the country road.

81. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

   A. The street children once worked as babysitters.

B. Doyne got some support from the community.

   C. Doyne borrowed much money from the government.

D. Over 5, 000 children attend the Kopila Valley School.

82. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

   A. Maggie Doyne --- A Lonely Traveller B. War in Western Nepal

   C. Maggie Doyne --- Mum to More Than 50 D. A Girl Lived on Her own


Passage D

The world uses about a thousand million (百万) tons of water a day. Water is a human right and everyone should have their share. Yet more than 700 million people around the world have trouble getting clean, safe water.

Treating wastewater is a good way to provide fresh water for us. And it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans. 80% of wastewater around the world is not treated at all, and it is running into oceans. But now we have got the technology to treat and reuse the wastewater.

While 75% of our planet is covered with water, only 2% is fresh water – that comes from rivers, lakes, ice and snow. The rest, 98% of the water, is in seas and oceans. It is too salty to drink. Then desalination businesses come in. More than 19,000 factories have been built around the world, mostly in coastal countries. They process (加工) more than 92 million tons of water every day. But the technology they use requires a lot of energy.

Scientists are working to create a less costly technology. They want to produce 20 times more clean water and make sure everyone has enough. But for now, the world still faces each day with not having enough water for everyone.

83. How many people have redouble in getting clean water around the world?

   A. Under 10 million. B. Only 19 million.

   C. About 92 million. D. Over 700 million.

84. Treating wastewater helps the environment by ________.

   A. storing waste in ice and snow B. letting waste run into oceans

   C. keeping waste out of rivers and oceans D. sending waste to coastal countries

85. What does the underlined word “desalination” in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A.远洋运输 B. 潮汐发电 C.食盐销售 D. 海水淡化

86. At present, the technology to process water ________.

   A. needs much energy B. saves much money

   C. satisfies everyone D. causes pollution

87. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

   A. Water should be a human right. B. The water problem is still serious.

   C. Our planet is covered with water. D. Everyone has enough clean water.


使用日期:93    训练时间:30分钟      命题人:张黎明

Passage A 

Para 1  1. more than___________  2. percent___________  3. rate___________  

4. junior high students___________  5. nearsighted___________

Para 2   1. fix___________2. take medicine__________ 3. get survey___________

4. promise___________  

Para 3    1. no longer___________  2. advertisement_________  3. mislead___________

4. eyesight___________ 

Para 4 1. true___________  2. be easy to__________  3. be good for___________  

4. elderly___________  5. not only...but also___________

Para 5   1. prevent___________  2. control__________  3. in front of___________ 

4. believe_________ 5. allow___________ 6. save__________7. at present________

Passage B

Para 1    give  _________(pt)  ____________ (pp)   give up _____________

Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land. ____________________________________

Para 2   You weigh about 90% less in the pool.______________________________

Water is about 1000 times thicker and heavier than air. _________________________

knee ________            as a result_________                burn_________

Para3   relaxed ___________  stop thinking __________in control of ____________

cool, quiet environment______________________

Para4    It doesn’t require any special skills._______________________________   

mainly ________  difference between air and water ___________________________     

weight change_________________ advantage___________     relaxing___________

worrying____________  challenging___________     boring__________

be fit for sb _______________           magazine ______________

Passage C


1. She decided to travel and arrived in western Nepal in 2006.


2. She soon learned that 7-year-old Hima sold the rocks to support her family.


3. She found a piece of land for sale and bought it with $5,000 she saved from years of babysitting.


4. With the help from the community, another goal was reached in 2010—the Kopila Valley School.



Para 1 ①graduate________ ②go straight to college_________ ③hard physical jobs___________   ④leave______ _______(给出过去式和过去分词,以下动词同此要求)

Para 2 ①One day, while _________(walk) down a country road, Doyne saw a little girl __________(break) up rocks.(用所给动词的适当形式填空)

②break up________ ③see______ ________ ④sell ______ ________ ⑤think______ ______

Para 3 ①feel______ ________ ②find______ ________ ③for sale___________

Passage  D

Para 1 have trouble doing sth.________________________________________

Para 2 treat______________provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb/ provide sth to sb.________________________run______(pt.);_________(pp.)______(现在分词)_________

 And it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans.(翻译)

____________________________________________________________________________Para 3. be covered with_____________________

Para 4. Scientists are working to create a less costly technology. They want to produce 20 times more clean water and make sure everyone has enough.(翻译)


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