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《新概念英语》第二册Lesson 14第一句话:I had an amusing experience last year.其中的amusing的用法很典型,容易与amused的用法弄混。(amusing意为“funny and enjoyable,逗人笑的,有趣的”,amused意为”被逗乐的,觉得好笑的“)




1)以后缀-ed结尾的形容词(delighted, excited, frightened, interested, moved, pleased, surprised, worried)说明人的一种心理感受


He had a pleased smile on his face. 他脸上露出了满意的微笑。

He told me the news in a very excited voice. 他声音很激动地告诉了我这个消息。

第一句中的a pleased smile 意为满意的微笑,它指的是某人因感到满意发出的微笑; 第二句中的 a very excited voice 指的是很激动的声音,即指的是某人因很激动而发生那样的声音。

原则上,-ed 形容词通常直接用于说明人,若修饰事物,则多为 air(神态), appearance(外貌), cry(哭声), face(表情), voice(声音), mood(情绪), smile(微笑), look(表情)等显示某人的情感状况的名词。

2.)以后缀 -ing 结尾的形容词(delighting, exciting, frightening, interesting, moving, surprising, worrying )是"主动"形容词,以外界的视角来观察被修饰对象,


He is frightened. 他很害怕。

He is frightening. 他很吓人。

He has a frightened look on his face. 他脸上带有惊恐的神情。

He has a frightening look on his face. 他脸上带有吓人的神情。

I read an interested expression on his face. 我看到他脸上露出一种感兴趣的表情。

I read an interesting expression on his face. 我看到他脸上露出一种有趣的表情。

注意:-ed -ing型形容词归纳(21组)

1. amazed/amazing        2. annoyed / annoying 3. bored / boring

4. confused / confusing  5. embarrassed/embarrassing 6. encouraged/encouraging

7. excited /exciting 8. fascinated/ fascinating         9. frightened/frightening

10. frustrated/ frustrating 11. interested/ interesting      12. moved/ moving

13. puzzled/puzzling/   14. pleased/pleasing= pleasant  15. relaxed / relaxing

16. satisfied / satisfying  17. surprised //surprising       18. terrified/ terrifying

19. tired / tiring            20. thrilled /thrilling              21. worried /worrying

1. The children were ____________after the trip. tire

2. The ____________children went to bed early after the trip. tire

3. The ____________trip lasted a whole day. tire

4. Tom’s parents are ____________ at his ____________ results of the exams.disappoint

5. When hearing the____________ news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were____________to look at each other. surprise

6. He was ____________ about his ____________ son. worry

7. I'm not ____________with his interpretation of this sentence. satisfy

8. He was ____________with the ____________person. annoy

9. A police car appeared on the road, the thief had a____________ look on his face. frighten

10. The situation here is ____________and we are____________. encourage

11. Laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents _____________ (worry).

12. The little boy isn’t getting on well in maths and worse still, he is even unwilling to go to school. With her son _____________(disappoint), she feels very ______________(worry).

13. Poor boy! His________________ (frighten)looks and ________(tremble)hands suggested he was very afraid.

14. As we all know, typing is a ______________ (tire) job to a ______________  (tire) heart.

答案:  1. tired   2. tired   3. tiring   4. disappointed, disappointing 5. surprising; surprised   6. worried; worrying   7. satisfied  8. annoyed; annoying   9. frightened       10. encouraging; encouraged

11.  worried。句中的that punish„the law是定语从句。句意是:因为他们小孩的违法行为而惩罚其父母,这样的法律使得做父母的感到忧虑。表示人感到忧虑的用由过去分词转换而来的形容词。

12. disappointing;worriedB。句意是:由于她的儿子令人失望,她感到非常烦恼。表示令人„„ -ing 形容词;表示感到„„ -ed形容词。

13. 第一空填frightened,其意为感到害怕的;第二空填trembling表示动作的进行。也就是说,frightened说明主语因......而产生的情绪反应,从而影响到人的身体部位trembling

14. 第一空填tiring,表示使人劳累的;第二空填tired,表示感到劳累的

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