
发表时间:2018/01/06 00:00:00  浏览次数:878  
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一.不忘初心,方得始终  Never forget why you started, and you can/will accomplish your mission.

二.砥砺奋进: 砥砺奋进的五年(Five Years of Sheer Endeavor大型成就展9月下旬开幕以来,展出了一系列具有中国自主知识产权(independent intellectual property rights)的大国神器实物模型,包括: 嫦娥三号探测器(Chang'e 3 lunar probe);创造世界作业型载人潜水器最深纪录(7062米)的蛟龙号载人深潜探测器(Jiaolong deep-sea manned submersible);被誉为中国天眼the Eye of Heaven)的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST or the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope);以标准时速350公里在世界上创造了中国速度复兴号动车组(Fuxing or Rejuvenation high speed train)。 

三. 共享: 共享经济(sharing economy)不断壮大,涉及行业包括共享单车(shared bikes)、共享汽车(shared cars)、共享雨伞(shared umbrella)、共享充电宝(sharable chargers)等。

四.有温度: 可以说是一种warmcozy的感觉,是心灵上感受到的一缕温暖(warm),是环境带来的惬意舒适(cozy),也是自然与人文(humanity)的和谐(harmony)。此外,说一个城市宜居的可以直接说suitable to live in,或用habitable来表达,不宜居的则是inhabitable

五. 流量: 说到流量,估计小伙伴们最先想到的是手机网络流量(mobile Internet data)、流量套餐(data packages,或data plans)、客流量(ridership)、车流量(traffic flow)、网络流量(netflow)等。但这里的流量特指那些粉丝多、人气高(high popularity)、影响广(big influence)、商业价值大的明星。说到一个人或事物是流量担当,有商业价值,可以用commercially viable来表达。

六. 可能…………

2017年年初,一份美国高中的中文考试试卷,让中国的小伙伴们开启了怀疑人生模式,网友们看后纷纷表示:我可能学了假中文……可能…………”句式出现在今年1月,来自网络上一组调侃期末考试成绩不理想的表情包。此表情包由我可能复习了假书我可能拿到了假试卷等句子配上各种苦恼表情符号组成,迅速在大学生群体中传播开来。例如:The last section of the composition even made internet users question whether they were Chinese.  看了作文的最后一部分,很多网友甚至怀疑自己可能是个假中国人。



说到很多小伙伴都会想到fake这个词,类似的还有false(假的,不正确的)、bogus(假的,伪造的)、phony (假装的,冒充的)。除了表示东西假,fake还可以指虚情假意,人不够真诚。例:She's so fake, pretending to be everybody's friend. 她那人真够假的,老装着跟谁都是好朋友。 


这个词指的是盲目的模仿者无主见的人,用来指那些模仿别人行为、风格却又一眼被人看穿的人,再合适不过了。例:She called me a copycat for wearing the same dress.  她说我穿同样的裙子很山寨。 


这里表示廉价又很次的仿制品,通常可以指名牌仿冒品、冒牌货。例:That purse is a knockoff.  那个钱包是冒牌货。


除了货不真,有些事情或者表现也是装出来的,这时就可以选用put-on,它可指假装的做作的,还能表示假话哄骗 例:She's not really angry - it's just a put-on. 她不是真生气——不过装装而已。

七.油腻                                          第一页

2017年,中年大叔们的标配除了泡着枸杞的保温杯,似乎还有一个令他们避之唯恐不及的标签——油腻。网友一条中年男性去油腻步骤的微博,在网上瞬间引起了热议。随后,冯唐、高晓松等在各自微博上发布博文,谈如何避免成为一个油腻的中年猥琐男(Greasy, Dirty Middle-Aged Man)。文中,冯唐以自嘲的口吻形容自己的同龄人们油腻greasy),总结了肥胖(overweight)、当众谈性(talking about sex in public)、教育晚辈(preaching to the younger generations)、不注重个人卫生(failing to maintain personal hygiene)等特点以供自省。此外,冯唐还给出了针对中年人如何避免成为猥琐男(sleazy men)的10条建议。

在中国,中年大叔们到底啥样?佛珠手串(strings of Buddhist rosary beads)、保温杯泡枸杞(thermoses of hot water mixed with red dates and goji berries)、啤酒肚(a bulging paunch)、金项链(gold neck chains……“油腻的走红,反射出人们在物质生活条件改善后,对如何追求健康生活方式的反思。

说到油腻,一般可译为greasy 。参考消息网双语汇栏目认为,《现代汉语词典》说,油腻含油多而使人不想吃的。在英语里,比较接近的表述是greasy或者oily。但这种译法只表达油多,缺失了使人不想吃的意思。Greasy或者oily还有一种解释:very friendly and polite in a way that is unpleasant and not sincere,也就是油滑,虚伪,跟油腻不太一样。所以,准确一些的译法或许是unpleasantly greasy,也就是油得令人不舒服。

八.尬: 2017年,对于尴尬二兄弟来说似乎是单飞的一年~原来总是组队出现,单飞后的在今年也广泛使用,尬聊尬唱尬舞尬谈”……

有人将尬聊译为“small talk”,因为都表示一众日常对话,但二者还是有区别的:

尬聊的尴尬对话不同,small talk是一种社交式的闲聊,发起人不乏礼貌,且期待这个对话能持续下去(a useful social skill that shows your politeness and that you care enough to keep the conversation flowing)。相对的,尬聊者(the person who is making the conversation awkward)要么不善交际(bad at socializing),要么压根儿没想好好开启聊天模式(don’t want to bother coming up with responses that people are happy to hear)。

说到尴尬的,想必小伙伴们首先想到的还是awkwardembarrassed (尴尬的),embarrassed 的同根词包括embarrass (动词,使尴尬),embarrassing (形容词,令人尴尬的)。例如:I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.(他对我着装的评价真的让我很尴尬。)

尬聊可以翻译为"an awkward conversation",意思就是尴尬的聊天。当然你也可以说 "to talk embarrassingly" 或者 "an embarrassing conversation"。当你遭遇一场尬聊,你就可以这样吐槽: That was really an awkward conversation. 那可真是场尬聊。

九.怼: 来,跟着读三遍:duìduìduì)。意思是怨恨。不要再没文化读成三声了~。 人们用来表示故意找茬、反抗、反对等意思。

说到找茬,英文可以用pick on sbfind fault with sb.来表示, 如:She felt that her teacher was always picking on her. (她觉得老师总是找她麻烦。)

跟别人互怼,语言上攻击别人可以说“lash out”表示,意思是痛斥;猛烈抨击。例如: Trump frequently lashed out at the press. (特朗普曾屡次痛斥媒体。)

类似的表达还有bashslam等。更有文化点的用词还可以是“spar”,例如BBC的这个标题:文中还用到了“clash with”这个短语,意思是……冲突/交锋,也就是互怼的意思了。


十.打call 小伙伴们日常生活中是不是也常说到给某某打call”~这里的 call”可不是打电话make a phone call)的意思~



说了这么多,到底该怎么用英语表示……call”呢?          第二页

因为call”可以理解为……举起荧光棒或者……挥动荧光棒,因此可以相应的译为to put one’s glow stick up for somebody或者to move one’s glow stick for somebody

例如: 你画得太棒了,我要为你打call 

Your painting is awesome. I would like to move my glow stick for you.


此外,我们还可以把……call”引申为……欢呼,那么“to cheer for/on someone” 也是一个可行的表达。比如:锦标赛时,整个镇的人都出动了,为高中足球队打call 

The whole town came out to cheer for the high school football team in the championship game.


I will be there to cheer you on if you give a concert someday.

另外,小伙伴们还可以用cheerlead表示加油鼓劲。比如:我们需要一些不仅能为我们打call,还要能真正帮到我们的人。 We want someone not just to cheerlead us but to really help us.

十一. 其他:

1. 洪荒之力  prehistorical power               2. 吃瓜群众  onlookers

3. 定一个小目标 set a small goal / target        4. 且行且珍惜。 It is to be cherished.

5. 我也是醉了。  I am speechless. / Are you kidding me?

6. 你咋不上天啊?  Who do you think you are?

7. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。 

Beyond the pots and pans, there should be poetry and the far afield.

8. 我读书少,你别骗我。I don’t have much education; don’t try to fool me.

9. 一带一路倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative

10. 共建人类命运共同体 jointly build a community of common destiny for all mankind

11. 中国梦 the Chinese Dream             12. 获得感增强 gain a stronger sense of benefit

13. 虐童事件 child abuse cases / claims      14. 11促销 double 11 promotions

15. 模特在维密中国秀中摔倒 Model falls / stumbles at Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show China

16. 联合军事演习 joint military exercises     17. 保持低调 keep a low profile  

18. 佛系青年(有也行,没有也行,不争不抢,不求输赢) :人民网“Buddha-like youngsters(keeping a casual and calm mindset toward career and life); (SupChina) “Buddhist Youths( casual, calm, breezy, close to "slacker", have no desires, no needs, and no expectations, yearn to be free of strong feelings, not to take anyone or anything too seriously) 。例如:

Hailing a ride: “You can just stay wherever you are. I will walk over.”

In a relationship: “You decide. I’m fine with anything.”

Ordering food: “I have no idea what to eat. Maybe just order the same food I had yesterday.”

Child rearing: “Not many children can be successful people when they grow up, so I want my kid just to have a happy childhood.”

At work: “I desire nothing more than to arrive at my office safely and to leave my office quietly.”

19. 戏精(喜欢博眼球的人):drama queen/ king; an overly dramatic person

20.你的良心不会痛吗? Doesn't that play on your conscience?"(你这样做不会受到良心的责备吗?);(更口语化)"Don't you feel bad for doing this?" 例如:How could you do that? Don't you feel bad for doing this?你怎么能那么做?你的良心不会痛吗? 

21.扎心了,老铁!sting, hurt扎心。Ouch, my heart hurts, bro! 我真的扎心了,老铁!

22.你有freestyle吗?即兴的、随意的发挥或花式表演。"Can you freestyle?" 例如: I know you can samba, but can you freestyle? 我知道你会跳桑巴,但你能现场来一段吗?

23.惊不惊喜?意不意外? “Surprise"Shock, horror!" 比如: No vacation this monthsurprise!这个月都没有假期,惊不惊喜?意不意外?
24.还有这种操作?惊叹、震惊或疑问。"Seriously?"或者"Really?" 声调要上扬,读出那种惊

讶感。例如:SeriouslyI can't believe that just happened.真的假的?!我不敢相信居然发生了那样的事!                         第三页

25.皮皮虾(源龙星),我们走! : "Pipi shrimplet's go! / get a move on!"  例如:

Get a move on, or we will be late. 快走吧,不然要迟到啦!


幸福都是奋斗出来的! ---- 习近平2018年新年贺词金句暖人心(英汉双语)

1. 天道酬勤,日新月异。Fortune favors the diligent and times are changing fast.

2. 人民群众有了更多获得感、幸福感、安全感。我们朝着实现全面建成小康社会目标又迈进了一大步。

 People's sense of fulfillment, happiness and security have grown stronger. We have taken another great step in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

3. 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。

If only I could get tens of thousands of mansions! I would house all the poor people who would then beam with smiles.

    The people have made sacrifices for the good of the nation without regrets or complaints. I feel the millions of ordinary Chinese are the greatest, and I also feel that happiness is achieved through hard work.

5. 我为中国人民迸发出来的创造伟力喝彩!

 I applaud the Chinese people for their great creativity.

6. 铭记历史、祈愿和平。Remember history and pray for peace.

7. 大家都赞成共同推动构建人类命运共同体,以造福世界各国人民。

They all supported the joint promotion of building a community of shared future for mankind so as to benefit people across the world.

7.九层之台,起于累土。要把这个蓝图变为现实,必须不驰于空想、不骛于虚声,一步一个脚印,踏踏实实干好工作。…… 逢山开路,遇水架桥,将改革进行到底。

Building a high-rise begins with mounds of soil. To translate the blueprint into reality, we have to avoid the distractions of unsubstantial ideas and superficial fame, take one step at a time, and approach our work with a firm footing.  … We should surmount all obstacles to carry the reform further to its ultimate triumph.


…That is our solemn commitment and we will honor it. … This will be the first time in thousands of years of Chinese history that extreme poverty has been eliminated.


China's great achievement of development was made by the people and for the people.

10. 其他:

1)撸起袖子加油干:roll up our sleeves to work harder

2)获得感:sense of gain  广大人民群众有了更多获得感。

The general public has enjoyed the increasing “sense of gain”.

3世界那么大  The world is so big.


The world is so big, and the problems are so many. The international community expects to hear China's voice and see China's plans. China cannot be absent.

4)蛮拼的(不遗余力做……): spare no efforts to do sth.


Officials at various levels have also spared no efforts performing their duty.

5)点赞: salute  我要为我们伟大的人民点赞。I would like to salute our great people.



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